How come our names aren't shown here? Frankly, it's not particularly important who we are. We aren't doctors, we aren't medical professionals—we're just a bunch of women who have worked hard to put this information together. We're women who are a bit ahead of you on the learning curve. It doesn't make any difference at all who we are. We're just the vehicles. The information speaks for itself: (research and) take it or leave it.
On the other hand, just because you don't know our names doesn't mean that our stuff isn't ours and ours alone. Feel free to print and refer to it, to share it with your friends and doctors. Just don't steal it and use it as your own, or even repost it anywhere without our permission. Some of us just happen to be lawyers, and believe me, you don't want to hear from us in that capacity when we're feeling hormonal.
Disclaimer: we're not your doctor and if we'd wanted to be, we would have gone to medical school. All we can do is share the information; it's up to you what you do with it. Be smart: check it out, think about it, pick what works for your body and your life. TANSTAAFL.
About this site
Sometimes we see questions circulating about the source of the information contained here. Just to be very specific: this website is distilled from primarily medical sources and other allopathic-related resources with what we feel are the most scientific and rational of the alternative sources. We've spent a lot of time reviewing stuff for accuracy, pawing through small studies or obscure stuff looking to extract kernels of useful information. We have also been watching and contributing to a variety of the high-traffic menopause and hormone sites for nearly 20 years now, including several sites where various of our members have been asked to contribute as resource person by major site owners and health professionals. We've also corresponded with some of The Big Names on specific issues. This has provided invaluable insight into the problems and solutions encountered by real women, real complex women, as opposed to the simplicity of research participants and lists of symptoms or "usual starting dose" figures.
Why don't we cite all of those sources in our text? Because it's long and confusing enough as it is. Most hormonal women don't want to—and won't—read through a lengthy and dry research-style white paper on hormone research. As we've already said (and we've edited out a snarky comment about that, just so you know we're trying to be polite), we're just trying to save you a little of the dull legwork by presenting a summary of our findings, as rationally as we can, to give you a head start on learning what you need to know. Where we have concerns about the limitations of the information we're basing our comments on or are working from observations of women's own reports, we point that out. We freely admit that our information isn't irrefutable or cast in stone: our goal here is sensible, practical, and useful, not authoritative. This is a dynamic field. We learn more every day and expect to continue to do so as more useful research is done. We update this site when we find something substantial that changes our "take" on things, so the information you'll find here changes all the time to keep up. Otherwise, we keep up a list of useful articles in our bookmarks account and we flag especially interesting new stuff in our discussion group. If you have a specific question about a specific point, post it to our discussion group and we'll try to help you find out more.
On the other hand, you are also free to distrust us entirely and just figure move along, there's nothing to see here. We can't—we'll tell you this right up front—reconstruct every factoid that went into what we have written here. That's what the learning process means. We've been careful and conservative, but that doesn't mean that you have to trust us. You have lots of other sources for information. You can read the basic vanilla MD/drug rep stuff. You can read the message boards where helpful women huggingly perpetuate imaginary physiology. You can read the sales sites (we're not selling anything here except caution and respect for your own body). You can use various internet search features and read every study out there and ponder over how much rats and sheep predict what will happen in your own body. In fact, we hope you do all these things. But you have to start somewhere, and that's where we hope you'll find this site useful. That's all.
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